Camp Buddy 打完了 Taiga(Kaitato是攻,不知拼错否)的线,很是感动,感觉是一个人救赎的过程,结局先打的是坏的,后来看攻略选一个选项就到完美结局了(其实我心里想选那个选项,但最终没选,我要审视一下自己,让自己勇敢主动一点了),真是感动极了。Camp Buddy是优秀的游戏,建议不要只注重肉,更注重一点剧情哦。其实如果去掉BL和R十八的部分,很建议青少年玩,但还是未满18岁不要玩黄油哦
它改变了我对BL游戏的看法,之前觉得黄油只注重肉,还是蛮粗鲁的,而现在这个游戏让我发现,原来黄油也可以有深入人心的内容和体验。不仅如此,立绘也不错,很少崩的,配音也可以,但由于是日式风格想听一下日语的配音,但游戏代码要优化,太卡了,感觉黄油不会太占内存结果现在要与 Google Chrome 和 Microsoft Edge 一决雌雄了。故事也是很少见的营地童子军生活,也是向往的。总体还是不错的。很优秀,值得推荐游玩。
(出了教官线的demo,之前以为是个例,之后让我认识到,原来这是 Camp Buddy 的传统啊笑)
最后结束浅谈前,发一下 Camp Buddy 最开始的话吧:
How does one preserve and treasure memories?
Memories can be incredibly valuable, as some of us may want to remember certain moments of our lives.
It could be a good one that made you smile, or a bad thing that taught you a lesson.
Unfortunately, some of these wonderful moments can be forgotten.
Most things do not last forever. Everything is meant to change or fade away through time.
Memories are one of them.
What can I do to make mine last forever? Is it even possible? Is it a greedy request?
Some people say that all good things come to an end.
I don't want to accept that!
That's why I'll take the chance to find a way to keep all of my greatest memories!