ElectriCute 发表于 2020-8-6 05:05:01

[机器生活/Life Like][人机交互 永远顺从][隐晦BL]

一对充满理想主义魅力的年轻夫妇获得了一个令人惊艳的、栩栩如生的机器人,而机器人没有负罪感。但随着三人关系的日益密切,他们对人性的看法将永远改变。“人工智能”的设定就是反映并满足主人的意愿。男主嫉妒女主对亨利的好感。后来他对女主说,他和亨利以女主不干的方式(Blow Job……)发生了关系。最后的反转画龙点睛,,让人意犹未尽。

导演: 乔什·加诺维茨
编剧: 乔什·加诺维茨
主演: 艾狄森·蒂姆林 / 詹姆斯·达西 / 史蒂文·斯崔特 / 德鲁·凡·阿克尔 / 马克·法姆吉列蒂 / 里桑·瓦伦丁 / 埃朗·米歇尔·蒙汉 / 希拉里·巴拉福德 / 尼古拉斯·巴迪
类型: 科幻
制片国家/地区: 美国
语言: 英语
上映日期: 2019-05-14(美国)
片长: 95分钟
又名: Life Like / Love Thy Keepers

James is working on the trust fund run by his father. Upon the death of his father, he becomes CEO of the company. James and his wife Sophie move away from the city into a suburban mansion. Sophie doesn’t work and spends most of the time at home. Feeling uncomfortable with James having a butler, maid, and a cook, she fires them.

Life without servants becomes unbearable and James convinces Sophie to come with him to meet Julian, a man who sells artificially intelligent robots. Sophie sees mostly female androids which make her uncomfortable. At the end of the meeting, the couple chooses a male android called "Henry".

In the beginning, this is perfect for both James and Sophie as Henry does housework and makes a good companion to Sophie. But, when Henry's childlike brain adapts by developing emotions, complications begin to arise.

Sophie continues to encourage Henry to develop emotions and lust. Henry begins to have dreams, even though he was told that he was not programmed to have dreams. The android starts to feel human desires and visits James in the bathroom while he's naked. They share a passionate kiss. Jealousy then causes a fight between James and Henry. James slaps Henry and disconnects the charging machine from Henry.

Meanwhile, Julian is discovered to be a fraud, and all of his machines are actually real humans raised by him. The FBI goes to James and Sophie's residence to arrest Julian and a confrontation ensues where Julian and the FBI agents are killed. Feeling betrayed by his maker and that he betrayed his keepers Henry chooses to kill himself and ends up stabbing himself out of dejection and desperation. James and Sophie cry and stand there while watching Henry die. Five years later, James and Sophie decide to name their newborn child Henry.

**** Hidden Message *****

hualala 发表于 2020-8-6 09:40:01


戚陆伍肆叁贰壹 发表于 2020-8-6 09:50:33


21111 发表于 2020-8-6 10:45:23


四十九个 发表于 2020-8-6 11:23:11


my24616 发表于 2020-8-6 11:33:32


1571372653 发表于 2020-8-6 12:00:21


heyhey 发表于 2020-8-6 12:07:01


tuuuu 发表于 2020-8-6 12:07:53


tuuuu 发表于 2020-8-6 12:07:57

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